Friday, July 10, 2009

I don’t get it. I’m in the most boringest place imaginable, but some how the time had gone fast. I get forced to come here every holidays, but some how I still look forward to the holidays.

Today I got forced to get up, and then get ready in 10 minutes because we were going for a walk. If it was going to be like yesterday’s walk I would have wanted to go, because it consisted of sitting on a beach for an hour.
But no. This was not like yesterday’s walk. We go to a crappy beach, were my mum tells her friend and dad to swim in the freezing water, and when they say no, she tries to make them feel bad for not going in. Then we go bush bashing (A term which means; “Stomping through National Park, ruining the plantation”) to find sinkholes. Sinkholes are practerly pools of water randomly near a cliff.
What’s the point in that? Where’s the fun?
Illegal stuff is usually fun, but not this. It’s just boring as shit.

Quote: “Well that’s because he did me over!”

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Slow Internet is a major fail

Okay, first proper Blog thingy.
I’m bloody sick of the slow internet. Seriously. HURRY THE FUCK UP!
I only have eight windows up and you’re taking ages to load bloody all of them! I am talking to people! *Shakes fist*
Also I’m annoyed at bloody Photobucket and PhotoShack!
They are useless.
I posted an awesome picture, and they decide to make it not work. >.<> A lovely Macro using Pirates of the Caribbean and Tom (left) and Joe (right) from The Horrors.

Quote: “Think of my children! Poor little Fab hasn’t eaten in over 3 hours!”

Welcome all. ^__^

This is my blog.
I’m most likely to forget all about this by tomorrow, or I’ll get mighty obsessed with it.
My background was going to be a thunderstorm, but this was the closest thing. >.<
I’ll try and leave a quote at the end of each blog… you will not get this quote, in less you like The Horrors. ^__^
Quote: “He’s just a big red pickpocket, isn’t he Joe!”